At D&D Automotive, we can handle your car, truck, diesel...foreign or domestic, large or small. We are the only independent shop in Cottage Grove with secure outdoor parking: we keep your car safe as we work on it.
Our services include:
- Air Bags Repairs
- Air Conditioning Systems
- Brakes and ABS- diagnosis and repair
- Clutches
- Computer Diagnostics
- Diesel engines
- Electrical Systems - diagnosis and repair
- Engine - diagnosis and repair
- Flushes
- Transmission
- Brake Systems
- Power Steering
- Air Conditioning
- Cooling Systems
- Fuel Cleaning
- Front End Repair
- Oil Changes
- Suspension - diagnosis and repair
- Automatic and Manual Transmissions - diagnosis and repair
- Maintenance & Tune Ups
- 30-60-90K Factory Scheduled Maintenance